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Eping and Tecnonet

Eping is proud to be part of the group of companies that make up TECNONET, a network of businesses with the aim of increasing the quality and technical level of the offering by integrating their respective expertise, in order to solve complex problems by reducing the use of ‘trial & error,’ through their experience and skills.



Happy birthday, Eping! +8

Happy birthday, Eping! +8

On 04/04, Eping turned 8, and we couldn’t be prouder It’s been eight years since the foundation of Eping, eight…

Frame Intervista Fondartigianato

The value of training at Eping

5 December 2023

Eping, protagonist of Fondartigianato’s training stories Recently, we were interviewed by Fondartigianato regarding their interesting project titled “Storie Di Formazione…

GIS EXPO 2023, an Explosive Edition

GIS EXPO 2023, an Explosive Edition

Gis expo 2023 @ Piacenza Fiere, Eping was there! The ninth edition of GIS Expo has recently come to a…